
Local people have been working together to decide how 500k of funds should be used locally.
Scroll down to see the plan and meet the team!

Here’s the story…
In 2010 the communities of Marsh and Micklefield were invited to take part in an experimental community project called ‘Big Local’. Since then a group of residents have been working together to enable local change, driven by the values below.
EMPOWERMENT Together we can build the community we want to live in.
ENJOYMENT This should be fun! Lets enjoy this journey together.
INCLUSIVITY This belongs to everyone. If you are between 0-110 and care about where you live - consider yourself part of the family.
GENEROSITY Mistakes will be made - that is part of the journey. Lets meet each other with open minds and assume the best.
Meet the team
Carol Rickwood
Micklefield Resident and Admin Assistant
I moved to the Micklefield area in 1998 and feel very fortunate in living in this beautiful valley of ancient woodlands which back onto my garden. I have had a love of the outdoors from a very young age inspired by my father who was a great gardener and sportsman and my my mother who was very creative taught me to use a sewing machine and my interest in craft grew over the years and I am still learning.
I love being part of a community and how friendly people are in this area so when I found out about the Marsh and Micklefield Big Local partnership I wanted to get involved and find out how I could help and encourage local residents to put forward ideas and ways to improve the lives of us all that live in this area. I took on the Admin role at the beginning of 2020 and carry out various admin duties including managing the funding applications and enjoy communicating with other groups and local people.
I work at the Micklefield library on a Friday morning during library opening hours so if you want to find out more about Marsh and Micklefield Big Local pop in and say hi.
Eric Meek
Marsh Resident
Originally from Scotland, I am a Civil Engineer by profession and until my recent retirement I was the Area Highways Manager for Bucks County Council. Now that I have the free time I am enjoying being part of Team Marsh and Micklefield.
I am a keen photographer and enjoy my position as custodian of the image library for M&M. I am responsible for sorting and archiving the images from various projects and, of course, those produced by M&M.
I also monitor the finances on behalf of M&M, liaising with Chiltern Rangers who are the locally trusted organisation who act on behalf of M&M.
John Shaw
Chief Ranger at Chiltern Rangers - the projects 'Locally Trusted Organisation'
Hi, I’m John - Chief Ranger at Chiltern Rangers. We’ve worked with the Marsh and Micklefield team for several years now on a range of things from flower displays to the cinema event and of course the Community Ranger project. My personal work driver is to help make the planet and peoples lives better through community based conservation.
We are the LTO (Locally Trusted Organisation) for the team, which means we employ staff on their behalf, and ensure the project continues and strengthens its efforts to make this a better place to work, rest and play.
I don’t live in M&M area but bravely commute each day from Bowerdean on my push bike. I have lived in Wycombe most of my life and went to Homer Green Upper School. I am married with a beautiful daughter Holly who has Angleman’s Syndrome.
Am very likely to say yes to the offer of:
A pint
A glass of red
A cup of tea & bourbon biscuits
A walk in the woods
Luci Busescu
Micklefield Resident, Graphic Design and Editorial Assistant
I moved to Micklefield with my family almost 9 years ago and since then have been involved in many community projects and events; from crafts activities at the library to creating wooden sculptures for the woods.
Being an active member in this community has opened my eyes to the dedication and hard work people put in to make Micklefield the thriving and successful place it is.
Defying the reputation it holds!
I started volunteering for Marsh and Micklefield Big local in March 2019. In May 2019 I was offered a job as Graphic Designer and Assistant Editor and now work on The Mayfly and on producing posters and other visuals for the project.
I’m a huge believer in the idea that everyone holds energy which can be used to create change, and so I live my life trying to magnify this energy in the hopes of making an impact on the world around me.
When I’m not working I spend a majority of my time walking or in garden centres picking up ridiculously large plants for my tiny room. My latest acquisition being Luna my Pin Stripe Prayer Plant (Calathea Ornata) who moves depending on the time of day.
My dream is to travel and experience all the cultures and beautiful scenery different countries have to offer.
Matt Knight
Micklefield Resident, Vice Chair
I moved into Micklefield in the year 2000 as a newly married 23 year old. I liked Micklefield straight away – it has a strong community identity and feels strangely like a village sometimes – I grew up in a village in Shropshire with a population of 60 people so I know what it is to live in a small community! Buying a house here was obviously quite an investment so it seemed to make sense for me to invest some of my time and skills in my new community to make it an even better place. Looking back now after nearly 20 years I can see how that commitment has led to all sorts of adventures and opportunities and has shaped who I am today. That’s why I love Marsh and Micklefield Big Local – because it creates an opportunity for people to both shape their community and be shaped by it.
Rachel Pike
Riaz Ahmed
Team Member
I have been in the forefront of ensuring equality for everyone, especially in relatively deprived areas of High Wycombe by volunteering, since 2008, as a school governor at Beechview school, and as Treasurer or a Chairman on County consultative committees, Multifaith councils and Ethanol minority forums.
My passion is to see people of all backgrounds enjoy all aspects of this wonderful life and I enjoy watching children achieving their full potential when I bump into them.
I joined the Marsh and Micklefield team as it is helping the locals be proud of themselves and their area.
One of my roles is to help understand the value of any funding applications and offer suggestions. I also enjoy bringing my experience in safeguarding to help at the Movie Night event which is a great fun activity.
Together residents created a plan for using the £500k
The plan was approved by funders in February 2021, and a new residents’ partnership team is currently being formed to bring it to life.
To get involved email the team here
See below for a summary of previous funds have been used.
For more details on work led by the Marsh and Micklefield Big Local team follow these links:
The team also run events like Movie Night, help local community businesses and other projects to develop, and run this website!
Click here for a list of Marsh and Micklefield grants awarded 2014-2020
Download the Marsh and Micklefield 2013-2020 info-graphic
Chiltern Rangers
As residents involved in this this project are an informal group and cannot hold funds or employ staff, Chiltern Rangers CIC have been asked to be the ‘Locally Trusted Organisation’ for our area, and take on these roles.

To find out more about recent activities, please read the staff updates and notes from team meetings which take place about 10 times a year.
May 2021 Update
April 21 Notes
March 21 Update
March 21 Notes
June 20 Update
May 20 Update
April 20 Notes